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 Solidarity International 'Seed' Society

"The 'ambition' of doing Good for others should have NO limits


II. Definition
The Solidarity International Missionary Society is a private educational Network Society, legally framed to function as an international Christian Outreach Ministry committed to “Evangelii Nuntiandi“ [1], a pastoral document written by the Pope Paul VI in 1975. Paragraph # 8 is The Cornerstone of the Society: “Only the kingdom of God, therefore, is absolute and it makes everything else relative.” Despite having been conceived and created to help communities, to help democratic societies, to promote real love, etc., The Solidarity Society is not a community-society; it is not a democratic society, and it is not even a fraternal [2] society. It is a Business Trade System Network, based on bank account technology, with its own private financial currency. It is not a barter system. No financial transaction, no membership! No recent transaction, no active membership. It is a private and international system of business supported by a network of Christian leaders deeply committed to the spirit of the “New Evangelization.” It is, therefore, a private School of Christian Business and a private School of Christian Services. It was conceived to become a high-tech “Tool-Organization” for the “Evangelii Nuntiandi” Manifesto, a cornerstone of Catholic Social Teaching and, consequently, for the future ”Civilization of Life, Love and Light”, proposed by Pope Paul VI.

II. Status
After many years of work and prayer and hundreds of thousands of dollars, a dream of an international and, hopefully, final Pilot Project is coming true. The "Social-eDollar Faith-based Brazilian Initiative” is poised to make a difference at a strategic level in the history of the third millennium, shouting to the whole world what Pope Paul VI boldly wrote to us in paragraph #3 of his “Evangelli Nuntiandi” pastoral letter: “Only in the Christian message can the modern man find the answer to his questions and the energy for his commitment of Human Solidarity." By the mercy of God and his Divine Providence, The Pilot Project is not only open, but welcomes any person, business, or group, especially non-sectarian Christian Organizations, committed to helping any person without any exception into the spirit of the New Evangelization. Pope John Paul II, from the beginning until the end of his pontificate, called the whole Christian world to unity and creativity in order to improve justice, peace, and solidarity. Sad and disappointed, he asked in his apostolic letter ‘Novo Millenio Inuente’: “How can it be that even today there are still people dying of hunger? Condemned to illiteracy? Lacking the most basic medical care? Without a roof over their heads? Now is the time for a new creativity in charity, not only by ensuring that help is effective but also by ‘getting close’ to those who suffer, so that the hand that helps is seen not as a humiliating handout but as a sharing between brothers and sisters.” We pray, we ask, and believe that the Holy Spirit in His Divine Providence will guide and support us to assemble a business coalition committed to creating some sort of strategic framework to practice the Social Teaching of our Church at an advanced laboratory level. That's our Goal!

Now, more than ever, when ideologies are being increasingly discredited, we need to repeat the words of Pope Leo XIII in“Rerum Novarum” which ‘officially’ initiated the Social Teaching of the Catholic Church more than a hundred years ago: “There can be no genuine solution of the ‘social question’ apart from the Gospel, and that the ‘new things’ can find in the Gospel the context for their correct understanding and the proper moral perspective for judgment on them…” Several years ago, to commemorate the first century of “Rerum Novarum,” former Pope John Paul II emphasized in his encyclical Centesimus Annus: “Today, at a distance of a hundred years, the validity of this approach affords me the opportunity to contribute to the development of Christian social doctrine. The ‘new evangelization,’ which the modern world urgently needs and which I have emphasized many times, must include among its essential elements a proclamation of the Church's social doctrine. As in the days of Pope Leo XIII, this doctrine is still suitable for indicating the right way to respond to the great challenges of today.”

III. Nature and Purpose
Essentially a practical “Missionary Outreach System Network,” it is a “Tool-Organization” for the worldwide "New Evangelization Mission" started by the Vatican II Ecumenical Council and boosted by hundreds of New Ecclesial Communities as well as the Charismatic Renewal Movement. The Solidarity Missionary Society was conceived, therefore, to serve in synergic contribution with the integral promotion of individuals, families, organizations, and communities, initially focusing on the human survival level. Working fundamentally as a private supplementary economic system, it was also carefully designed to preserve and improve the normal flow for the already established official government tax revenue. It is totally open to the public, under the legal terms of the membership agreement, without any restriction—except those implicit by the agreement—especially to those in extreme need, the outcasts.

Active membership starts with the first business transaction paid with a social-dollar, which is only possible between members of the Society (Persons or Organizations) and only by nominal transfers. Therefore it is impossible for transactions to be made anonymously. Initially, pedagogically speaking, we could say that “nothing is free” at the ‘first’ or ‘initial’ level (Please see the End Notes #3). Members must always offer something valuable and should always receive something valuable. They must circulate assets, any possible asset, tangible and non-tangible. The astonishing and even unimaginable power of money to do good or evil does not come from money itself but from the intense circulation of assets that occurred after payment media made ancient barter practices obsolete.

IV. Operation
At an operational level, we could say that every available valuable and tradable good or skill not accounted for and traded is lost. So, as a programmatic and pedagogic “Tool Society”[4], account technology, bank, educational and social services, data-warehouse applications, micro-insurance, and dispute resolution alternatives are the Society’s material foundation. It depends on one Central eBank empowered with Information Technology. The is the only global and strategic offshore Financial Management System that operates like an online foreign Educational Credit Union and Central eBank for the Society, managing its privately owned internal financial currency called “The International Social-eDollar” (e$). The Social Bank System is designed to integrate and control every member service related to the financial world (account, inventory, credit, insurance, etc.), always at a complementary or parallel level, never a replacement for, the official currency of the Country where each member lives. Local, public, official money, especially non-nominative paper currency—tender cash [5], as well as government tax enforcement collection systems, are absolutely indispensable for the survival of any civilized country and are therefore also essential for the success of the "Social-eDollar faith-based Initiative," potentially a tremendous government ally in its fight against poverty and injustice.

V. History
The Social eBank, as a Christian Social and Financial Project originally named “The Social Profit Christian Network,” was created by the Pope Paul VI Foundation, a Brazilian Catholic Software & Policy Research Institution established in 1975 in Curitiba city, Estate of Parana. The term “social” was used specifically to link the project with the connotation intensively used by the Catholic Church worldwide, as opposed to eventual superficial or even recreational connotations for the word 'social,' and also to intentionally establish future associations with similar terms or public expressions like social-service, social-work, social-project, social-security, social-credit, social-medicine, social-fund, social-business, social-rent, social-policy, etc.

In 1981, The Pope Paul VI Research Foundation created the first hybrid, account-based, transnational virtual-currency concept in the world, tested in Brazil for 2 years during 1988/9. At that time, it was named Social-Dollar/Time-Dollar—Social Bank, Time Bank—because it is to some extent a dual-currency hybrid (currently it's called Social eDollar). It is a nominal asymmetrical integration of two currencies based on account records and never in paper currency (cash); designed to use any other medium of exchange, from paper checks to recorded voice transfers. It was carefully conceived to dynamically (asymmetrical account integration) empower and especially help unemployed people, even those coming from jail, drug recovery programs, and from extremely poor neighborhoods, etc.

Born out of prayer, such an economic interdependent subsystem can work thanks to several ingenious elements that make the model truly unique, when compared with other complementary/alternative currency experiences already known in 1987, when the Social-Dollar / Time-Dollar was pre-tested internally by the Foundation's staff, volunteers, and board of directors. The Social-eDollar fiat model ('fiat'+ central eBank) is also unique because it holds a “parity-level” technique. The “parity” formula and praxis will be publicly revealed and improved during the final Pilot-Project implementation. It was conceived as a laboratory of innovation for future practical implementations of some key principles defined by Catholic Social Teaching and created to work smoothly with the Social-Dollar concept, integrating the Social Bank account and the Time Bank account into one consistent, not-for-profit, transnational, community-oriented advanced technology.

VI. The Model
The Model is able to exchange any foreign currency and is integrated into everyday transactions in social-dollars. It is deeply focused on the promotion of a new kind of economy of communion and is supported by a Ministry Automation Software and Database Model [6] created by the same Foundation from the beginning of The Social Profit Christian Network Project. Flexibility, therefore, was a major 'keyword' in the creation process, as well as freedom from any specific "medium of exchange," supported by mission-critical, real-time, online account technology. Nominal or nominative-based transaction was another major 'keyword' as well as a not necessarily secret balance (tested in Florida in 1992). Foreign Exchange Fund, Insurance partnership, and transnationality were also indispensable factors.

The Solidarity Society, better known as “The Social Profit Christian Network,” shares the same spirit as The' Economy of Communion Pilot Project, emphasizing in more practical terms the extremely important concept of "inter-dependency" from international level, to community level and even to a family level. The "Economy of Communion Project" is a wonderful, real life, ongoing and International experience. It is 100% based on the Social Teaching of the Catholic Church, particularly it's tri-foot foundational concept which is rooted in "solidarity/reciprocity/interdependency," but not yet legally and technologically ready to use a transnational, advanced financial currency like the Social-eDollar. We strongly believe that a transnational Social-eDollar or similarly better educational currency will be the most powerful ally to promote a new international level of "Interdependence for Life," able to evolve from solidarity towards not only a 'comfortable' interdependency, but a desirable, joyful fraternal kind of natural interdependence, boosted by a "divine-diplomacy." Both of these ideas were preached by Chiara Lubich for more than 50 years.

VII. Benefit sample
In order to maximize community benefits and achieve concrete results as fast and simply as possible, The Social eBank Project is committed to being unafraid to invent and innovate in every reasonable field possible, keenly aware that the excess of prudence could be the beginning of a cowardly omission. For example, we are working to create some specific low-cost internet wireless devices to help homeless people. This basic first multi-sound digital beeper designed for the homeless, [7] ever —with no built-in GPS— can be extremely inexpensive, since it is disposable and sealed, with no commercial value. One hundred percent maintenance free, this beeper will have no changeable batteries, no buttons to control, and no display; just the Social eBank’s 24x7 toll-free number plus the beeper number engraved on it. In addition to being able to inform the account holder (beeper user) about possible temporary jobs, therapy, or training, as well as relay messages from his family without compromising his freedom, the Social eBank can easily utilize voice recognition technology as signature for food or shelter payment from the homeless account, if the service provider or other vendors also have an account with the Social eBank. Many other ingenious and non-paternalist solutions would suddenly become possible within such a mission, which would then be poised to also make the difference at the operational level, for the future and imminent second phase of 'The Economy of Communion,' on a worldwide scale.

VIII. You are welcome
For example, wouldn’t it be fun and wonderful to integrate the "down-to-earth" Catholic Relief Service’s Paper Account Kit for micro-banks in the poorest slums of the world with the Social eBank's cutting-edge online account software technology? In the current world of opportunities, being able to use or combine state-of-the-art ATMs, smartphone technology, a single paper check printed out from our website, and a homeless beeper transaction or security debt over a pay-phone call represents an exciting challenge and feasible opportunity.

If you want to help us to define the best collection of strategic partnerships, exchange media elements, and explore hi-tech solutions in order to expedite our next pilot phase, please pray for us and do whatever the Holy Spirit inspires you to do. Albert Einstein used to say that "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile." The founder of the Pope Paul VI Foundation and the Social eBank & Trust Ministry Project deeply believes that “doing good for others should be a priceless lifelong ambition.” For those who are already owners of such a blessed holy ambition, he boldly proclaims that: “The ambition of doing good must have no limits!” If you are really serious about this mission but don’t know how to start, the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi provides an infallible roadmap, if said with a sincere heart. That's the best-kept secret of Mother Teresa of Calcutta. The Missionaries of Charity, the religious order she established, begin each day by reciting this prayer:

Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

(By the way, don't get distracted by the sterile and irrelevant polemic whether St. Francis is or is not the prayer’s true author. Let's Praise the Lord if any of St. Francis’ spiritual sons or daughters, humbly following St. Francis’ example, lent his hand and mind so that the Holy Spirit would be able to write it and then granted the authorship to St. Francis, who overwhelming deserves it. Or perhaps some wise publisher, somehow linked to the Franciscans, was surprised by such a powerful prayer and immediately recognized the whole life of St. Francis as "incarnated" in it and, Glory be to God, named it after him. What should we prefer: to become someone whose life will ultimately reflect that prayer, someone determined to really "walk to walk;", or to be one more of the millions of "talk the talk" mediocre persons? That's up to each one of us to decide.)

ENDNOTES: From [1] to [7] Plus...

1. Here is paragraph #8 from “Evangelii Nuntiandi“s plus the relevant Holy Scripture references. Please take your Bible and check how deeply this passage is founded on the Word of God and remember that the King said, "If you do not receive The Kingdom of God like a little child, you will not be able to enter into it.”

"As an evangelizer, Christ, first of all, proclaims a kingdom, the kingdom of God; and this is so important that, by comparison, everything else becomes "the rest," which is "given in addition."[16] Only the kingdom, therefore, is absolute and it makes everything else relative. The Lord will delight in describing in many ways the happiness of belonging to this kingdom (a paradoxical happiness which is made up of things that the world rejects),[17] the demands of the kingdom and its Magna Charta,[18] the heralds of the kingdom,[19] its mysteries,[20] its children,[21] the vigilance and fidelity demanded of whoever awaits its definitive coming.[22]”

 16: Cfr. Mt. 6, 33 -17: Cfr. Mt. 5, 3-12 -18: Cfr. Mt. 5-7 -19: Cfr. Mt. 10. - 20: Cfr. Mt. 13. -21: Cfr. Mt. 18. -22: Cfr. Mt. 24-25.

“The Testament of Pope Paul VI”: Brazilian Cardinal Lucas Moreira Neves’ remarks at the 25th anniversary of “Evangelii Nuntiandi”

2. The Society's major challenge is to remain open to serve any human being in a world plagued by all sorts of frauds and fights. The Society must be prepared, therefore, to offer many more arbitration services, escrow services, and other insurance alternatives rather than “donuts and coffee” meetings; many more internal enforcement services (strong bylaws, penalties & regulations) and security policies rather than unreal community "fraternal" goals. "Tough-love" is the main key-word for the success of the entire project.

3. Everything should be, or at least could be, free at highest levels. For example, the Christian principle: “Don’t let your left hand know the good done by your right hand” is the ultimate perfect goal as a high Christian virtue. Anonymous donations, volunteer work, and charitable works performed with no intention of financial gain or personal recognition are an essential part of the only real vocation for every Christian person: Be Holy! A call for holiness seems to be the only perfect Will of God for every human being. In other words, let's state a relevant key principle from the Catholic Social Doctrine: "Any system in which social relationships are determined entirely by economic factors is contrary to the nature of the human person and his acts." (Centisimus Annus, 24)

4. Surely the Society must be and will be ready, with the grace of God, to change any ‘praxis’ or policy not coherent with the “Evangelii Nuntiandi” manifesto and the fullness of the Social Teaching of the Church, of which we believe Evangelli Nuntiandi is The Cornerstone. As a result, inside the Solidarity Society, the intensive use of high technology, for example, will always be subordinated to the highest ethical standard. The moral order and the natural law will always be the basic foundation for the existence of the Society, also carrying the adjective “missionary” in its name, because “Integral Evangelization” incorporates all the complementary aspects listed below, but only reaches fullness when ordered to explicit proclamation, whenever and wherever possible.

• The Good News embodied in Human Promotion and Liberation as Christians stand in solidarity with the poor and excluded members of society.
• The Good News shared through Presence and Witness as Christians live their faith in the ordinary events of daily life
• The Good News experienced in Liturgical Life, Prayer and Contemplation as Christians celebrate their sacramental life and intimacy with God.
• The Good News manifested through Inter-religious Dialogue as Christians experience the dialogue of salvation with persons of other faith traditions.
• The Good News expressed through Proclamation and Catechesis as Christians explicitly communicate the Gospel and welcome believers into the Church.

5. The Social eBank does not plan to have a secret, anonymous non-nominal tender currency, but only nominal transactions. As a consequence—although it may seem to be paradoxical—according to the Social Teaching of the Catholic Church, despite some negative effects, we must defend the invaluable civilization and human value of secret, public money, especially to defend communities from the greed and the lack of freedom in non-democratic countries. Unfortunately, since the advent of credit and bank cards, the privacy and freedom tied to anonymous money are becoming smaller every single day.

6. Please see "Technology Status and its History" below, at the end of the present document.

7. In Orlando, FL, where the Social eBank Lab experiment inside the Diocese of Orlando helped The Homeless Health Care Center to build up their first computer network during the year of 1999, we witnessed the assistance of more than 10,000 homeless persons in that year alone. Homeless Health Care Center.


Basic criteria to become a Social eBank Officer or Officer Assistant:

Officer Assistant: If you are a mature, committed, Christian Person (Catholic or non-Catholic: the only absolute requirement for non-Catholic brothers and sisters is respect), who strongly believes that Jesus Christ is, indeed, God and sincerely feels ready to pray Father Charles de Foucauld’s Prayer of Abandonment as well as Cardinal Merry del Val's Litany of Humility (both transcribed below), you are eligible to become a Social Bank Officer Assistant.

Officer: If you are a Priest or Pastor, Evangelist, Catechist, Preacher, Bible Teacher, Deacon, Nun, Prayer Group Leader, Ministry Coordinator, or Youth Christian Mentor, , male or female, lay or clergy, retired or not, with sincere respect for the Roman Catholic Church and truly comfortable with the deep meaning of "The Prayer of Abandonment” and the "Litany of Humility" in your own life, you are eligible to become a Social Bank Officer, after a personal consecration to the Holy Spirit in order to serve and adore Christ the King as an instrument of the Divine Providence and God's Mercy on Earth.

Special personal commitments include educating others, as much as possible, to have a deep love and understanding of the Lord's Prayer, the Our Father, the perfect prayer. Every Social Bank Officer, if not already, must become devoted to and an expert about the "Lord's Prayer." This obviously includes the duty to also pray it faithfully every single day. For Catholic officers, prayer duties also include the recitation of the whole Rosary (4/4= 20 Mysteries) every month (preferentially 1/4=5 Mysteries every Saturday); the recitation of a Divine Mercy chaplet from Monday to Friday, preferentially at 3PM; Sunday Mass; monthly adoration of the Blessed Sacrament for vocations and reparation; and finally, a daily invocation of the Holy Spirit. Catholic officers must also become experts in the sacrament of Chrism (Confirmation) and always have at their disposal copies of Sacred Scripture and the “Catechism of the Catholic Church.”

Why such Religious Rules?

The digital capital in a one-to-one marketing environment will build the next world economy. We want and we choose to direct it and to influence it towards solidarity and a cooperative direction. We refuse to believe it will be practically impossible to legate a better world for our children, a better future than our forefathers gave us. We are talking about “better” in a deep sense, not only about less violence or more comfort. We do not believe it will be possible to make it more just, humane, moral, caring, and peaceful without Christ (He told us: “Without Me, you cannot do anything,” and He is The Prince of Peace.). Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen strongly (and now prophetically!) warned that "Apart from an outside supernatural assistance, society goes from bad to worse until deterioration is universal. Not evolution but devolution is the law of man without God, just as it is the law of the sunflower without the sun." Jesus clearly spoke about the Kingdom’s high standards: “If your Justice does not surpass a pharisaic justice, you will not enter the Kingdom of God.” We cannot settle for less or lower our standards, ever. Zig Ziglar, considered to be one of the most inspiring secular speakers of all time, armed with powerful eloquence and even human justice, cannot barely scratch the deep meaning and power present in the Spirit of the Christ message. Ziglar reminds us, for example, that “You can get everything in life you want if you help enough other people get what they want.” But empowered by the Holy Spirit, we Christians should say to ourselves: We cannot worthily get anything in life we want if we do not help enough other people get what they need to, at least, survive with dignity. Only the Holy Spirit can make the difference in us. He is ready to empower every human being committed to following Jesus Christ to be salt of the earth and light to the world. To illustrate how the Holy Spirit can help each one of us to avoid lowering his own standards, Mother Teresa of Calcutta taught us that, “People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered, but forgive them anyway . . . If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway.”

Despite being a Christian Project, a Christian Initiative, and a Christian Work strongly committed to the Pro-Life / Pro-Family Movement, judging from the way life is going, it will be very difficult to keep it a unique, authentic, and faithful Christian Kingdom Agency forever. Also related to the project’s identity, if Christ ordered His disciples, always, everywhere and for the entire humanity to spread the Good Tidings “in the light of day” and “from the rooftops,” how much more honest and transparent should our intentions and principles of action be when presented to our brothers and sisters in Christ? Therefore, let’s state very clearly that, among other Catholic commitments, Mary, the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, will be always present in this Mission-Project and in its future achievements, as the “Star of the Evangelization.” We don’t believe that people that don’t love and respect their own mothers can find real peace in this life. How much more should we respect with wonder and gratitude, for the glory of God, such a singular woman that freely decided to say YES to the Divine Will, elevating the human race like no other person in the human history? Being a real mother of God made flesh (because Jesus for us is God, not less), even the name of the Blessed Virgin Mary should inspire to all sincere Christians a higher level of respect, deeply associated with the respect we owe to our natural mothers. As a result, Christians who are not so grateful to Mary, or are indifferent, must at least respect others who (with special devotions and public veneration) are determined to honor the holy mother of Christ.


Prayer of Abandonment

(Blessed Father Charles de Foucauld)

Father, I abandon myself into your hands.
Do with me what you will.
Whatever you may do, I thank you.
I am ready for all. I accept all.
Let only your will be done in me and in all your creatures.
I wish no more than this, O Lord.
Into your hands I commend my soul.
I offer it to you with all the love of my heart.
For I love you, Lord, and so need to give myself, to surrender myself
into your hands without reserve and with boundless confidence.
For you are my Father.

This beautiful and powerful prayer, but one hard to say with a sincere heart, was composed by Father Charles de Foucauld, a Catholic Monk, while he was in the middle of the Sahara Desert in North Africa, where he was coldly killed.

Litany of Humility
(Cardinal Merry del Val)

O Jesus! meek and humble of heart, Hear me.
From the desire of being esteemed,
Deliver me, Jesus. (repeated...)
From the desire of being loved...
From the desire of being extolled ...
From the desire of being honored ...
From the desire of being praised ...
From the desire of being preferred to others...
From the desire of being consulted ...
From the desire of being approved ...
From the fear of being humiliated ...
From the fear of being despised...
From the fear of suffering rebukes ...
From the fear of being calumniated ...
From the fear of being forgotten ...
From the fear of being ridiculed ...
From the fear of being wronged ...
From the fear of being suspected ...
That others may be loved more than I,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be esteemed more than I ...
That, in the opinion of the world,
others may increase and I may decrease ...
That others may be chosen and I set aside ...
That others may be praised and I unnoticed ...
That others may be preferred to me in everything...
That others may become holier than I, provided that I may become as holy as I should…
Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val was Secretary of State for Saint Pope Pius X

Why the special focus on The Lord's Prayer, The "Our Father?"

It is deeply sad to realize how small a percentage of Christians pray the "Our Father," the Lord’s Prayer, with a minimum level of understanding and conscience that a normal adult Christian should require from himself. Eternal salvation is terribly crucial, and we cannot take God lightly when eternal life and death is at risk without facing the consequences of our actions. An inspired one already said that we could synthesize the end of the world, the "Final Judgment," in just two sets of sentences: a) Saved people will face God and radiantly pronounce: Thy Will be done, Lord! Then, b) God, turning Himself, will face the other remaining people (hopefully a small crowd) and will tell them: “Thy will be done!”

We cannot say “Our Father” without sincerely and implicitly accepting as my brother every human person, especially every Christian, which should give us immense joy. Otherwise, it would be hypocrisy, condemned so many times in Divine Scripture. Do we pronounce, "Thy Will be done," and yet don't really care about His Will? God’s Will for us, besides implicit obedience and respect towards Him, is Human Solidarity. Do we practice solidarity? Do we understand that if we do not love everybody, we do not love anybody? We are not, however, suggesting the renunciation to justice and fair punishment, exactly the opposite; we must call that tough love a form of true love.

Our Lord linked the entire Final Judgment, with just one radical identification binding: Himself with any Human Being, especially His followers. On that day, He will say to each one of us: "Whatever you do to men, you did to Me; whatever you failed to do, It was to Me that you didn’t do it.” Therefore, the same Jesus 'you' love when helping five—or five hundred— poor children is the same Jesus 'you' hate if you ignore one old co-worker who did "some evil" against 'you' many years ago. Indifference is, indeed, one of the worse kinds of hate we are capable of. The Final Judgment is based not as much on what we did wrong, but on what we failed to do: “Away from Me, evil doers, because I was in prison and you never went to visit Me; I was hungry, and you never fed ME. I was… and you never…” Omission, omission, and omission!

We are not meaning nor reflecting on mystical levels of consciousness, where we should understand that even life in this world would not be worthwhile if it were not for the fact that we were rescued by such a Holy Redeemer. We are pointing to the fact that we cannot be a normal adult human being if we pray to God the prayer Jesus taught us every day of our lives without really meaning at least part of it. Do we ever say, sincerely, to our Divine Creator: "Thy Kingdom come?" If our prayer doesn’t become life, what kind of “life” can we have? "A Faith that does not become Culture is not a Faith lived with fidelity" (Pope John Paul II). It's salt that does not flavor, and tasteless salt is good only to be thrown away. That’s just one reason why, for example, it’s absolutely impossible to be an authentic Christian person and be pro-abortion or in favor of homosexual marriages at the same time. Calling murder on-demand "pro-choice" is another repulsive euphemism like the new label of "insurgent" or "revolutionary" for mass-murder suicide terrorists. It is absolutely impossible to be a Muslim believer and terrorist at the same time. This kind of satanic and therefore pseudo-martyrdom is one of the most extreme kinds of evil ever in the history of mankind.

Do we really "order" Him to forgive each one of us with the same ‘size' or amount’ of forgiveness that we used with others? Do we really want God to evaluate the amount of our love for Him based on the love we have for the person that we hate the most, or love the least, in the entire world, at any time of our life? Do we really insist, every morning: "Please Father, I beg you, do not let me fall into temptations today?" and “Do not let me, my wife, or my loved ones be a victim of some tragedy?” Do we ask, deeply, “Please deliver us from all evil,” as our Lord personally taught us to do every day? Or do we just repeat empty words? Unfortunately, it is not possible to do a good retroactive examination of conscience. If possible, Christians that do not frequently ask God to help them not to fall into temptations would surely be shocked to account for some real sins on a weekly basis, if not daily, always with more or less painful consequences. Beginning with that daily reality of small sins leading to the day when human nature committed adultery or accepted a ‘deal’ to make a lot of quick money, it is just a matter of time before we suffer the eventually horrendous consequences. When we ask God Almighty for "our daily bread," do we understand the obvious inclusion of clothes, shelter, food, medicine and so on, in the meaning of the word "bread?" After asking sincerely, do we really trust that He will give it —not sell it—and for "free"? We mean free especially—not only—when He blessed us, justly or unjustly, day after day, with health, talent, and the job opportunity to work and be paid for.

Yet, how far worse it is if we think about the scope of this segment: "Our Daily Bread." Did His Holy Scripture warn us with some kind of biblical “Our Father” liability disclaimer, declaring solemnly: “Hey folks! I’m sorry but, that part of the prayer will not work in starving countries like Somalia, Congo, or in time of war? I’m ‘God’ but, please, give me a break!” Of course not. The Divine Providence is absolutely infallible, otherwise, it would not be divine. But only—and here is the key—for those who really trust in Him. God is no fool! (Please, let’s not be funny: If living in Cuba, for example, one cannot expect champagne and caviar for dinner, or to find a McDonald’s for lunch just because we pray the Lord’s Prayer fervently every day. For those who may not know, there are no McDonald's on the island of Cuba.)

Technology Status (and it's history)

Translated from the original S.I.N.G. Project, The GENNISys (Stands for "Generical Name-Numerical Identification System"), a Standard Database Model for advanced data classification, settlement, relationship, and sharing, was created by the Pope Paul VI Research Foundation(*). The Foundation’s original research strategy for The SING Project (1979-1983) was pretty wise: Carefully refraining from going into software options, tech-details, or any other subject which is continually changing and developing and which varies so much according to time, place, and budget, proved to save the whole project throughout the years. The System, therefore, sets out basic principles and general guidelines but includes the basic global data-management software application's modules as a practical lab and training tool, now undergoing a major conversion challenge from Lotus Notes/IBM-DB2, passing through Microsoft .NET Technology (lost investment!), finally into open source languages (Python, JavaScript, PostgreSQL etc). It constitutes a full “ordinational,” organizational, and informational system that improves the internal order, the relationships, and communication channels between organizational functions, so information and services can be obtained and transmitted more efficiently to the appropriate target.

The model really allows long-term data-entry capitalization since there is virtually no data redundancy. The Gross Classification process uses a natural method to record information. The model has the amazing power to cover 99% of all “entities” present at common organizations with a few macro-logic categories. The modularity and flexibility are remarkable and focus on the user’s natural ability for “recurrence.” For example, as soon as one learns how to use the EVENT logic category for major or external events like seminars, social meetings, etc., he can also record internal occurrences like communication records, income faxes, outgoing letters, etc., under the same EVENT category changing only the EVENT type. Obviously, that high-volume specific type of records become part of a dedicated SQL mission-critical data table, only logically incorporated by the same DB Master. Per inverse analogy, as the alphabet—the DB Model—has the power to be combined to represent human knowledge (the organization’s recordable entities), the GENNISys classification Model has the natural reverse and tremendous power present in the alphabet—if you know it—, to receive in synthesis all the organization entities—knowledge—back inside itself (the DB Model). As a symphony piece could be reduced back to the basic music notes if manipulated by a musician, every organization entity can be classified into basic groups and fit exclusively into one specific recipient-category, if manipulated by an end-user empowered with the minimum theory skill.

Totally open and transparent, the Model allows access to data in a pure state, crucial for several needed operations of data export and import, especially direct external real-time/online connections. It is a basic platform for knowledge management. It also assists the flow and connection between processes, especially the decision-making process, which is a necessary link in order to meet the organization’s goals and objectives.

The System also implements an advanced Management and Quality Plan, similar to ISO 9000 standards. The ISO 9000 family of standards represents an international consensus on good management practice. Its primary aim is to give organizations guidelines on what constitutes an effective quality management system, which in turn can serve as a framework for continuous improvement.

For example, the standard ISO 9004-1 (and the other parts of ISO 9004) gives guidelines on the elements of quality management and a quality system implemented by Paul VI Foundation's Model and Software. Let’s look at the two very short requirements that constitute the resource management area of the standard, according to ISO-9000 experts:

"In Section 6.3.1 it says that you must define and maintain the information necessary to support your quality management system. It also requires a procedure to maintain critical information to ensure integrity and availability. Section 6.3.2 says that you need to provide the infrastructure to achieve the planned conformity of your products and services. That’s it. Three sentences out of two sections. It seems like no big deal until you look into ISO 9004:2000 and see over a page and a half dedicated to how you conform to those elements.

In other words, ISO 9004:2000 says that information is critical to your quality mission. Information on the following should be identified, acquired, used, stored, retrieved, and eventually disposed of for: contracting, design work, process control, verification, testing, measurement, regulatory activities, intellectual property, human resources, customer requirements, and supplier requirements. You have to build a knowledge base within your organization for both internal and external data (extranet, VPN, and especially the internet). This includes all forms of information, including visual, electronic, paper, and even the spoken word. In short, you record and document everything and then have a powerful system in place to track, control, and disseminate the information.

The implications here are pretty strong, but how could it be implemented in a quality & fast term without a deep and permanent logical, linguistic and cybernetic synthesis Model at DB Gross-Classification level, able to cover at least 90% of all entities that need to be recorded or managed? Overwhelmingly difficult! After that—and only after—the next question should be: how strong is your current information system? Do you have an information procedure? Does the internet play a part in your information system?

Again, in Section 6.3.2 we run into the question of the infrastructure: the equipment, plant, workspace, tools, hardware, software, services, transportation methods, storage facilities, and the like, that go into supporting your production processes. These have to be planned, designed, and set-up according to the need for economy, safety, security, space, time constraints, and the objectives of your organization. That is very difficult and even more time consuming without an advanced DB logical model. No wonder the least expensive ISO 9000 implementation costs a couple of million dollars.

Finally, the GENNISys management system helps the continuous infrastructure review to make sure it still meets requirements, configuration, and maintenance goals. In short, we have a tremendous tool to help keep the entire structure of this organization in well-oiled condition for a long time, with the grace of God.

The Origins
(*) The Pope Paul VI Foundation was created because of the inspiration that came from a specific homily addressed by Pope Paul VI at a solemn Mass offered for the Focolari Family in 1975 at Saint Peter Basilica. The Foundation’s mission statement is: “The ambition of doing good for others should have no limits.” The inspiration to start a Management Standard Research Division came from two persons who are precious to us: Bishop Giuseppe Marello and Chiara Lubich. Dom Marello always taught that “The Work of the Holy Spirit is, essentially, a Simplification Work.” Chiara insisted that “Nothing is more organized than what Love organizes.” Bishop Marello is also the founder of the Oblates of Saint Joseph—Josephine Fathers” of Asti, Italy—and Saint Joseph is the Patron Saint of the Pope Paul VI Foundation. One of his Provinces has helped The Pope Paul VI Foundation from its very beginnings, having his Provincial Father in Brazil be the first spiritual director and officially part of the first Statute. The "Josephine of Asti" gladly granted The Pope Paul VI Foundation authorization to use their own heraldic coat of arms, after proper adaptation. Here is how it was adapted: starting with "M" for Mary, in the Star of Evangelization; Joseph as a secure anchor; central banner in Latin, with Pope Paul's name; and finally, the Jesus Testament as a slogan: "That all may be one" (Mt.18-20).

If you want to read a personal message about the Social Bank & Trust Ministry Project from the founder of the Pope Paul VI Foundation, click here. For more information please access the "About" tab from




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